Star Wars Universe Online
An open world Star Wars adventure created by Sky Studios.
What’s the premise?
Star Wars Universe Online is an open-world game where players have the freedom to do what they want however they want. All players are presented with the option to stay neutral, join the Galactic Republic, or join the Empire.
Progressing as a Jedi Knight or Sith Knight unlocks powerful Force powers as well as unique Lightsaber parts for players to customize their game load out. Members of these factions host tournaments, lore lessons, and take on other members in a student-teacher dynamic to learn more about Star Wars.
Joining either the Republic or Empire enlists you as a Republic Solider or Empire Trooper. Climbing the ranks of the Grand Army of the Republic or Empire unlocks new equipment and blasters for the soldier. Both factions have sub-factions players can join to bond with other players and form teams within their overarching faction.
Neutral players have the option of playing solo or creating their own crew traveling through space and our variety of planets. These players can choose to be upstanding citizens, become outlaws, or bounty hunters. Outlaws are wanted people by the Galactic Republic or Empire and bounty hunters are mercenaries for hire by anyone.
The entire game is a community run and anyone is welcome to join at any time. The tight-knit community invites everyone to play regardless of how much experience they previously have with Star Wars lore. The game is built by the fans of Star Wars for the fans of Star Wars.
Experience the galaxy

Alderaan strived to be a safe haven across the galaxy. A peaceful planet that does not believe in hostile negations or any form of war. This is the closest anyone ever got to a utopia in the galaxy. Peace, freedom, and justice to this planet were what the senators strived to bring. This environment is still a work-in-progress.

Coruscant is a planet that is entirely a city. The lower level of coruscant serves as a community hub in our game. This area has the black market which outlaws and bounty hunters can use to purchase military grade weapons and items. The Republic presence here is limited due to how low it is underground. That does not mean the propaganda is any less present. This environment is still a work-in-progress.

Dromund Kaas is a planet that is dedicated to the dark side of the Force. Slavery and greed are no stranger to those who live here. The Sith Empire watches over the city and patrols the streets looking for anyone to arrest, while just behind the Sith live in the ivory tower (figuratively and literally) above the general people. This planet is home of the ruthless.

The old Jedi Temple. A relic of an ancient religion and culture before their move to Dantooine. Imbued with the light side of the Force many Jedi return here to meditate. Researchers keen on what once was visit to study the Jedi's history.
Alaris Prime. A planet rich with natural resources both the Republic and Empire often fought over. Click to watch players fight for control of this planet.
![Dantooine. A beautiful planet for a peaceful religion. The Jedi live here now, [far] away from the war effort. The longer the war continues, the more blurred the lines of peace-keeper and military General become. In an attempt to preserve their cultu](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/627d51a76277811f808a3cb8/a2ca8011-d66a-41e1-aa3a-7a262683fd94/Dantooine.png)
Dantooine. A beautiful planet for a peaceful religion. The Jedi live here now, [far] away from the war effort. The longer the war continues, the more blurred the lines of peace-keeper and military General become. In an attempt to preserve their culture they only send out a select number of their own high-ranking members to aid the Republic- however this does not slow down the degradation of their culture as much as they'd like.

The new Jedi Temple on Dantooine. Jedi live, study, train, and experience the Force here. Mastery of their lightsaber is crucial as it is a symbol to the galaxy of their culture. Honor, humility, and respect is the way of the Jedi, and by extension, their lightsaber.
Ilum is a planet where Jedi send out Younglings to obtain their Kyber Crystals. Kyber Crystals are Living crystals with the power of the Force inside of them. They are the heart of lightsaber and they are the heart of the Jedi Order. Upon the Youngling's return to Dantooine, they are no longer Younglings but officially Jedi Initiates. Click to experience Ilum.
A short demo of the lightsaber technology I created inside of the Roblox engine for Star Wars Universe Online.
Conquest is a gamemode where there are five or more control points. This game mode pits the Galactic Republic and Empire against one another sending them to capture each control point. When a control point is captured it adds to the conquest score and passively increases the score too. First team to reach the maximum points wins the conquest.
Ilum is one of the many experiences we offer in Star Wars Universe Online. Jedi Younglings go here to find their first Kyber Crystals. These unlock new lightsaber sounds and colors for the user. This event is regularly hosted by the Jedi Order faction for all members.
Ilum is entirely made by hand by one of our environment creators.
Star Wars Universe Online development ceased September 2022